Saturday, February 21, 2009

Compassion and Comfort

As I was reading my Guidebook this week I was reminded that the One I serve is the Source of all compassion and comfort. He is there for me in every troubling circumstance I may face. It is easy for me to bask in this, soaking it up. Oh how awesome it is to serve One like this. How wonderful it is that He is there for me during the trying times. But, my Guidebook goes on to tell me that He is there for me in these times not just for my comfort along the journey. As I continue on this journey I will encounter others along the way that are either experiencing what I am now, or what I have previously experienced. He comforts me so that I can in turn comfort them!

How many times I've gone through a troubling season of life and rather than reaching out to others I've closed myself off from them. I am an introvert and tend to be a happy troll in the middle of the woods. I'm content to see people when I "have the energy" to be around them. I can be even more this way when facing trying times. How many opportunities have I missed to comfort others with the same same comfort I have received from Him? It must sadden Him that I miss His purpose for the trials I'm facing. While He delights in giving me comfort during these times, His central purpose is not my comfort. His central purpose is that I see others through His eyes and become His hands and feet going to them extending the comfort He has given me!

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My One Resolve

It is hard to believe that 2008 has passed and 2009 looms before us! I don't know about you, but the thought of setting resolutions for the new year does not really excite me! Am I really going to keep them anyway? For me, this new year is just a continuation of a journey that I began a long time ago. There are some things that I've wanted to do consistently along the way. Perhaps, this a chance to assess the situation and see if I've been consistent in those. If I've not, then I can begin to do those with more fervor.

As this year draws to a close I am reminded that I am on a Journey. For that journey I need a couple of things. I need a Guide Book and I need a Guide; Having those things makes the journey into 2009 and beyond less daunting. Actually, I already have them, I've just not been consulting them as often as I aught. Both of these need to be my daily companions. I need to always hear the voice of my Guide and I need to daily have my Guide Book open. Dust should never collect on it!

Recently, as I picked it up an began to read, I was reminded that if my life is to count it needs to have an eternal perspective to it. Every action I take and every decision I make should be evaluated in light of that. "What impact will this action or decision have on eternity?" is a question I want to ask myself on a regular basis. Will the action or decision result in something that is only temporary or will it result in something that is lasting and eternal? Also, are the things I am anxious over worth worrying about. If they have no impact on eternity then are they really worth expending the energy over? If they are not then that is really freeing to me to one who tends to worry a lot.

Fortunately, my Guide is the Eternal One who has commanded me not to be anxious about the journey. He has also promised to be with me always. As I walk with Him, consulting my Guide Book each step of the way, I hope to find myself running with Him and even SOARing for Him for eternity!!!! What a perspective that gives the journey!
Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31